Getting up and giving back

Spending summer time volunteering strengthens ties to community.


As students across Minnesota close out their school years, the pressure of having an active summer looms. One way to fulfill this goal is by volunteering around the community. Not only is volunteering personally fulfilling, it is an enjoyable use of one’s time, whether one fund-raises, packs food or clothing, or even picks up trash. Spending time with new people, and engaging in meaningful work is always a good idea. Participating in active activities is often far more productive and enjoyable than lounging around one’s house.

Although volunteering is rewarding, it isn’t always easy for the average teenager. Organizations are not always accessible for students. Taking a bus or a car can be a hassle, and manual transportation such as biking isn’t always possible. Any type of volunteering, whether it is devoting time to picking up trash off the curb or packaging food can be difficult to arrange.

However, volunteering can have the added benefit of strengthening one’s neighborhood, which outweighs the possible organizational drawbacks. The simplest act of service during one’s summer goes a long way to improving one’s community. Every teen has a spare day or two to make the drive and give back to the community that they belong to. When volunteering, keep in mind that it will truly making a difference in the lives of those who are in need of help. Many people in the United States experience daily hardships that can only be solved with a helping hand, and volunteers are that hand. In the neighborhood, it takes initiative to volunteer. There are numerous non-profits and organizations in the Twin Cities, such as Feed My Starving Children.

While volunteering in these organizations, one is presented with a common cause and purpose. One can volunteer for as much time as they like, whether that be for half and hour or even an entire day. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is that volunteering betters the lives of community members. Needless to say, summer is the perfect time to get up and give back.