Top five news stories of 2020

This year the News section was packed with great news stories ranging from St. Paul Academy community stories to local, national and international news. In 2020, amidst the global pandemic, news writers wrote groundbreaking stories that connected the small community to larger issues present around the world. These topics ranged from COVID-19 vaccines, student activism on social media, the 2020 election, student protesting and the first COVID-19 cases at SPA. Here are the top five news stories of 2020.


1. St. Paul march calls for the protection of black women by Elizabeth Trevathan

2. Student activism takes form online by Lara Cayci

3. First COVID Cases at School by Thomas Reinhardt

4. Election Week 2020: A Timeline by Nikolas Liepins

5. Pfizer, Moderna announce effective COVID-19 vaccines by Tana Ososki