Newly-appointed student leaders plan for the future

CAPTIVATING THE CROWD. Sophomore Adonjiah Johnson delivers their inspiring speech. She discussed her plans to foster inclusivity during Spirit Week.
CAPTIVATING THE CROWD. Sophomore Adonjiah Johnson delivers their inspiring speech. She discussed her plans to foster inclusivity during Spirit Week.
Tamari Christopher
The quick transformation of ballots into results promises greatness for the 2024-25 school year; before the results were released, all candidates had clear-cut plans for the next year’s student-led initiatives in upper school elected groups.

Newly-elected Upper School Council (USC) co-president Cerena Karmaliani has been involved with USC for three years. She has served twice as a class representative and, in her junior year, served as co-vice president with Annie Zhang. The candidates’ dedication is apparent; they are already preparing for the impending school year.

“We hope to make a lot of change next year, but for USC we have to start work this year to get ready for next year,” she said.

Some of these initiatives include House Cup, onboarding new USC members, and sending out mentor-mentee applications for the 2024-25 school year.

In the past, the elections have been highly contended. In this election, however, Karmaliani and Zhang ran unopposed. “In the past, everyone [they have] run against has always been super capable and amazing people,” Karmaliani said. Whether the other candidates have won or not, she attributes her successes to their support.

We hope to make a lot of change next year, but for USC we have to start work this year to get ready for next year

— Cerena Karmaliani

SPA’s supportive and welcoming culture would be nothing without the Student Activities Committee (SAC). The SAC specializes in planning school-wide events, which range from dances, such as the homecoming dance and the Winter Formal, to school-spirit activities, like the pep fest and Spirit Week. Sophomore Adonjiah Johnson, elected SAC vice president, plans to further increase this unique connectivity within SPA’s community.

“The first thing [she’ll] do is try to change the activities during spirit week since that’s the first thing [SAC plans],” she said.

Her current goal of changing Spirit Week activities is inspired by the information she’s gathered from her two years as a class representative.

“This change will allow for more people to participate in activities because a lot of people enjoy basketball and pickleball more than dodgeball and ping pong,” she said.

As the SAC plans another year of fostering SPA’s community spirit, the ideas of leadership find sanction under the newly elected co-presidents of the Student Technology Committee (STC).

Sophomore James Welsh and junior Lorenzo Good are the STC co-presidents for the 2024-25 school year. Welsh holds two years on the committee. As co-president, Welsh plans to increase STC’s visibility.

“[STC is] very invisible right now and [doesn’t] do much,” he said.

In their roles as co-presidents, Welsh and Good are in the best position to elevate STCs visibility and impact.

The new elected officers met for the first time last week; elections for class representatives are tomorrow.

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