The inconceivable influence of influencers

The impact that influencers have is not only on their audience but also the marketing industry as well.


Drawing Credit: Tana Ososki

In a world where fame can arise from apps like TikTok and YouTube, the way that the public sees those in the limelight is more personal than ever before. People can amass millions of followers in a very short amount of time, and in doing so, are subsequently forced to express many of their passions to large groups without the ability to refine and perfect their process for creating content.

Many people have a preconceived assumption that reaching large levels of fame is not possible from a social media account, but in recent years this notion has been shattered. When an everyday person is boosted into a form of stardom it allows people to more easily connect with them than the traditional celebrity. When someone watches their favorite YouTuber and sees that they love to get Starbucks in the morning the viewer is now far more likely to get a drink from Starbucks due to the relatability of the person that they watch. 

Many people have a preconceived assumption that reaching large levels of fame is not possible from a social media account, but in recent years this notion has been shattered.

This creates an opportunity for marketers to invest in influencers and viewers need to be aware of this. A content creator can make an addition to their video that promotes a product and if that creator has many followers and the video gets a lot of likes the viewer is provided with proof of credibility. 

The power of influencers is based most significantly on the fact that they are not very different from everyone else and that their lives are shown on a much more personal level. With this combination, the impact that influencers have is not only on their audience but also the marketing industry as well.