The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

ESSENTIAL TO UNDERSTAND. Take time to recognize other religious beliefs and celebrate a culture of religious diversity.

Religious days off for some are days on for others

Zadie Martin, RubicOnline September 25, 2023
Sept. 25 is Yom Kippur. Take time to understand the significance of the Jewish holiday and recognize that for many, it is far from a day off.
In the very first episode of THROUGH THEIR EYES, Clara McKoy interviews sophomore Humza Jameel and juniors Savannah Switzer and Kate Hanf about their beliefs (or lack thereof) in gods or God. The speakers provide thoughtful, detailed, and powerful anecdotes in response to McKoys in-depth questions.

[THROUGH THEIR EYES] Ep. 1: Do you believe God exists?

Clara McKoy, RubicOnline September 15, 2022
Do you believe that God is real? Why do you believe what you do?
ACCESSIBLE EDUCATION. In addition to the countless documentaries, videos, and articles out there for public awareness and education, interfaith dialogue can help increase general understanding of other religions. Reaching out to a friend, peer, or even affinity group leader about a religion they practice is an incredibly easy way to connect with others and learn about religious traditions.

Everyone should learn about world religions

Ali Browne, RubicOnline April 29, 2022
Many Americans fall short of a basic understanding of world religions and their key foundations, leading to cultural and religious ignorance.
The Current (Events): Fighting change does not work

The Current (Events): Fighting change does not work

Jack Benson, Editor-in-Chief November 19, 2018
History provides that those on the side of change triumph in the end.
Mia Litman documents Yom Kippur at her synagogue, Temple Israel, in Minneapolis, MN

For the first time, school closes for Yom Kippur

Webster Lehmann, RubicOnline Videographer October 12, 2016
School closed on Oct. 12 for the holiest day of the year in the Jewish tradition.
Columnist Riley Wheaton answers the last questions of the suggestion box.

Anthology of Answers IV (The Mic Drop): We close the book box on suggestions

Riley Wheaton, Columnist June 1, 2016
Columnist Riley Wheaton's last installment of answers to the suggestion box.
It may seem difficult to avoid sounding ignorant or prejudiced, but try asking open-ended questions. Ask someone what their ethnicity is. Then ask them about their culture or sexuality. Ask someone what their religion is. Ask about their family. Ask them about their experiences. But most of all, ask them about what has made them the person they are today.

Asking the messy question is essential

The Rubicon Staff January 1, 2015
In the pursuit of awareness and acceptance, students have lost sight of the people who are right in front of them: their peers. By accepting those who are different, students have only scratched the surface regarding differences in their own community.
Former Upper School Chinese teacher Aaron Bohr (middle row, second from left) is pictured with other Jesuit novices from the Twin Cities. He joined the Society of Jesus in 2012. “I’ve been a Jesuit for eighteen months, and have made some of my closest friends here in the Society of Jesus. We share a great bond with one another, and support one another as brothers,” Bohr said.

Former Upper School Chinese teacher Aaron Bohr trains as a Jesuit novice

Thomas Toghramadjian, Opinions Editor March 31, 2014

At the end of the 2011-2012 school year, Aaron Bohr formally decided to join the Society of Jesus, a monastic order of the Catholic Church. Upon becoming a Jesuit novice, with the intention of ultimately...

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Prayer & tradition shape personal beliefs

Laura Slade, A&E Editor March 27, 2014

Some diversity is visible to the naked eye, but some cannot be known just by looking at someone. At St. Paul Academy and Summit School, religious diversity, while less visually prevalent, is undoubtedly...

Q&A with former Upper School Chinese teacher Aaron Bohr

Q&A with former Upper School Chinese teacher Aaron Bohr

Thomas Toghramadjian, Opinions Editor March 21, 2014

Aaron Bohr, formerly an Upper School Chinese teacher at St. Paul Academy and Summit School, joined the Jesuit Order in 2012. The Society of Jesus is a monastic order of the Catholic Church, founded in...

Students speak up & clarify fallacies about respective religions

Students speak up & clarify fallacies about respective religions

Thomas Toghramadjian, Opinons Editor March 20, 2014

In a progressive community, consideration for others’ identities is a preeminent requirement-- one that most strive to uphold. And faith, while a less overt manifestation, is key to many students’...

Junior Aliza Rahman poses for a photo on Eid Al-Adha last year. This year, the PSAT occurred on the same day as the Muslim holiday on Oct. 16. Before the test Rahman said, “I just don’t want it to come on a holiday... No one should have to take a PSAT on a holiday.”

PSAT scheduling conflicts with religious celebration

Noor Qureishy, Staff Writer October 28, 2013

The sound of Takbeer, clear and strong over the rumble of people chattering, greets friends and neighbors alike, hugging strangers on sight, wishing them a happy Eid. Every year, over 1.5 billion Muslims...

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