Student athletes prepare with season restart near


Photo submitted by Levi Mellin

Senior Levi Mellin does a bicep curl during his basketball workout. The team hopes to resume play on Dec. 21 when Gov. Walz’s pause comes to an end.

Ever since Governor Tim Walz’s decision to put the winter sports season on pause prior to Thanksgiving break, student-athletes and their coaches began to look ahead to when they could resume playing with their team. These players and coaches now have a date to look forward to with the Minnesota State High School League announcing that teams can begin practicing on Dec. 21. With a date in site, teams have begun to create plans to ensure that their players can hit the ground running despite missing so much time. Their solution: creating team workout plans.
Senior guard for the boy’s basketball team Levi Mellin said, “Working out is really important to staying in shape […] and it helps me focus in school, feel better, and become a better player.”
The boy’s basketball team is just one of the many winter sports that have crafted a workout plan to keep their players connected in a time when they cannot meet in person. “The team has a workout plan that the captains and coaches created that we can follow on our own and complete individually […] “Personally, I have been focusing on upper body strength to get ready for the season,” Mellin said.

I think it definitely helps with team bonding and helps us stay connected since we can’t workout together in person.

— Jane Christakos

While the boy’s basketball workout program’s approach features a more individual style, the girl’s basketball program has made it a team affair. “We are doing google meets everyday for an hour doing a workout as a team with our coaches,” senior guard Jane Christakos said.
This approach allows for a more interactive experience which Christakos enjoys. She said, “I think it definitely helps with team bonding and helps us stay connected since we can’t workout together in person.”
Whatever the approach, both teams know that putting in the work now, will only lead to positive gains when they return to the Briggs Gymnasium.

Here are some benefits of working out. Below are some workouts to try during quarantine. (Lizzie Kristal)