Looking to volunteer? Keep environmental opportunities in mind


There is no denying that the environmental concerns are becoming increasingly more pressing. Climate change is worsening, hurricanes are getting stronger, and recently it seems like bees dying has become a top headline. These things are common knowledge and topics of conversation, yet students often fail to take concrete action against these problems. Students should use a portion of their required service hours to volunteer at an environmental organization.

Environmental organizations, which aren’t where most people traditionally think to volunteer during the holiday season, are still looking for volunteers.

This year, administration has added a required 4 hours of service for 9th graders, juniors, and seniors in addition to the 12 hours that are required for sophomores. Many students are struggling to fulfill these requirements, evidenced by the short list of sophomores who have completed their service hours displayed on the board by the library. One of the reasons for this is that during the holiday season, many volunteer opportunities become more difficult to find. However, environmental organizations, which aren’t where most people traditionally think to volunteer during the holiday season, are still looking for volunteers. This winter break is a perfect opportunity for students to get those last few service hours.