Metro-South falls to Apple Valley in anticipated rematch
In MN Girls’ Hockey Hub’s game of the week, Metro-South hosted Apple Valley at Drake Arena on Thursday night. Metro-South upset the Apple Valley Eagles in early December 5-1 which made for the game’s highly anticipated nature. However, the Phoenix lost the rematch 7-3.
The Eagles came off hot, attempting to redeem themselves from the loss earlier this season. They secured a five-point lead 8 minutes into the 1st period. Despite the unfortunate deficit, the Phoenix maintained positive composure throughout the rest of the first period. Throughout the first period, the Phoenix struggled to break the puck out of the zone. The majority of the Eagles’ goals came following multiple failed breakout attempts from the Phoenix.
Going into the second period, the Phoenix chose to maintain their positive composure. Ella Bond, number 5, had an excellent scoring opportunity with 6 minutes left in the second period, however, it did not result in the Phoenix’s first goal. Despite this, the Phoenix kept trying their best to score. Charlotte Goings, number 21, scored the Phoenix’s first goal of the game with 4:29 left in the second period. Just after that, the Phoenix had another scoring opportunity while the Eagles’ goalie was down, but it did not materialize. The Phoenix ended the second period trailing 6-1.
Midway through the third period, number 11 Madisyn Krumholz (Burnsville High School) scored the second goal of the game for the Phoenix. Though it seemed as though the Phoenix could make a comeback after their uptick in momentum, the Eagles scored a seventh goal. The game ended 7-3 in favor of the Eagles.

Hi! I am Alexandra Cardwell. I am a co-Editor of the Opinions section for the 2022-2023 school year. This is my fourth year on staff, and in the past I...