Jessica Gokhberg – English


SUBMITTED BY: Jessica Gokhberg

SAY CHEESE. Gokhberg casually rests her elbow on top of a stack of books as she poses for her high school picture.

“Find that thing you’re self-conscious about, the thing you imagine others are critical of or think is unpopular, and make it your own,” English teacher Jessica Gokhberg said.

This is some advice Gokhberg has for current high schoolers about fashion and finding out how to express themselves.

Gokhberg wore a variety of different things ranging from wide-legged jeans to drop-crotch pants in high school. She said her style was different, that you can’t control other people’s thoughts and behaviors, but you can control how you build up confidence in yourself. She doesn’t regret any of her fashion choices in high school and believes it’s important to “experiment to find out what you like,” she said.

In high school, Gokhbergs favorite color to wear was fuchsia. A challenge she faced when getting ready was her hair. She had naturally very curly hair and would straighten it but she does not recommend doing that and says it is not worth it.

Overall Gokhberg recommends having confidence in yourself and doing what you want.

[F]ind that thing you’re self-conscious about, the thing you imagine others are critical of or think is unpopular, and make it your own.

— Jessica Gokhberg