Check out an “A+” playlist for exams
Hey Spartans! Still have some studying to do this weekend? Needless to say, exams are stressful for everyone. Some people deal with their stress by taking short breaks or meditating, and some people listen to music. Below is a collection of student recommended songs to make study sessions more relaxing.
“Valentine” by Pentatonix. “I love Pentatonix and it’s got a cool vibe,” sophomore Nissa Rolf.
“Don’t You Worry Child” by Swedish House Mafia. “It’s just a good song. It’s catchy and has lots of energy. I like how it pumps you up,” sophomore George Stiffman.
“Organ Donor” by DJ Shadow. “I really like organ playing and it’s a great song,” freshman Henry Ziemer.
“Killer Queen” by Queen. “It feels empowering,” junior Sonja Mischke.
“Be Still My Beating Heart” by Sting. “Since exams are coming up I want to keep my heart still,” sophomore Danish Mahmood.
“Creep” by Radiohead. “It’s slow, so it doesn’t distract me from studying, but I still like the lyrics,” sophomore Calla Saunders.

Laura Slade, a sophomore at St. Paul Academy, is the Arts & Entertainment editor of The Rubicon. As of September 4, 2013 she has seen 58 bands live....