The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

The student news of St. Paul Academy and Summit School

The Rubicon

ECLIPSE. A solar eclipse is a rare event in which the moon is between Earth and the Sun, blocking the view of the sun. In other parts of the United States, the view of the Sun will be totally blocked, constituting whats called a total eclipse. A total eclipse is a completely different event that is another level of coolness. So if they [the students] have that chance, they should absolutely take the chance to see a total eclipse if they ever can. The next one in Minnesota will be the year 2099, Astronomy and Planetary Science teacher Joseph Martin said.

Solar eclipse on the horizon: what you need to know

Aarushi Bahadur, RubicOnline April 7, 2024
Join Mr. Martin on the cafeteria lawn during x-period for a watch party with space-themed snacks. Weather permitting, expect to see a 79-80% partial eclipse from the Twin Cities and surrounding area.
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