Activist Leatham sets up a role model for the “problem solvers of the next generation”

SUBMITTED BY: Audrey Leatham

THE VOICE IS OURS. Leatham and her dad hold signs at a protest against climate change.

In recent years, protests and events for social justice have erupted across the globe. From mothers and fathers to elementary-school students, millions of voices have contributed and continue to fight for change. In fact, two-thirds of students who support social justice issues believe acts of social justice contribute to the change. For one student, her continual effort to make a difference has not gone unnoticed. Junior Audrey Leatham regularly attends protests in hopes to address the pressing issues our generation faces.

The influence teenage voice have made a difference in the community. (Mariam Malik)

Leatham is primarily involved in raising awareness about climate change and reproductive rights.

“These issues are so impactful to my life. I just think that if I can’t make a huge change, I can at least go support the cause,” Leatham said.

Her commitment to staying engaged in local protests stems from her hope for a better future for future generations. “It makes me feel like I’m contributing in some way rather than no way,” she said.

Leatham urges her peers to join social justice movements: “It’s really important to know what’s going on and just have a general idea of what’s happening and how these things are going to affect our lives.”

She puts an emphasis on the lasting impacts of current global issues.

“We have to make sure that we have this under control. We are the next generation. We’re gonna be the problem solvers for climate change, these things are so firsthand,” she said.

Leatham offers a few pointers for getting involved in movements: “Get involved with Black Lives Matter protests. This stuff is happening in our own community and knowing about it and how to help out as much as you can just by going to protests or sharing with friends and family is so important.”

You too can become part of the change. A starter resource to check out is @mnteenactivists on Instagram. They provide daily updates on local protests, walkouts, charities, and more.