Wacky Winter Week alienates rather than unifies

Mini editorial

Who owns a onesie and who would want to wear it to school? While dress-up days are an excellent way to show school spirit, the over-the-top themes of Wacky Winter Week leave students alienated and conflicted between showing school spirit with crazy costumes and maintaining their dignity in front of peers and teachers. For students who do wish to participate in these winter dress-up days, finding the wardrobe for these obscure yet explicit dress-up themes is difficult. Not only is onsie day undignified, uncomfortable, and impractical for many, but also tacky sweater and preppy day provide students the opportunity to mock the way other people dress. In the future, dress-up day themes should be chosen more thoughtfully to maintain a considerate and comfortable academic environment. Furthermore, students who feel uncomfortable with the prescribed costumes should remember that dressing-up is optional.