Save our planet, not Notre Dame

With the money that has already been donated the world could clear the pacific garbage patch which is 1.6 square million kilometers big.

Photo Credits: Lynn Reynolds.

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire on Apr. 15 and was destroyed. Since that event, hundreds of millions of dollars have poured in to help rebuild this iconic landmark such as LVMH CEO Bernard Arnault who pledged 226 million euros. With the money that has already been donated, the world could clear the pacific garbage patch which is 1.6 square million kilometers. This act would help preserve our world for longer and would help save sea life.

It’s time for the world to wake up and take action to save the planet instead of rebuilding a building.

All the money donated by French billionaires to rebuild the Notre Dame cathedral should be used to clean the coral reefs and the pacific garbage patch. If humans don’t take action for saving the environment soon, the world will be unsavable in an estimated 12 years, according to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This step of cleaning the pacific garbage patch will help prevent this and start a chain of events to save the earth. Currently there is lots of talk about cleaning the earth but minimal action is being taken so this huge action will get the chain of events started.

This will also help save the coral reefs before it is too late which is home to beautiful and unique sea life.

There is nothing against people donating their money to a cause they believe in, but the world population needs to come together to convince those who can to donate to a greater cause: saving our earth. A Swiss philanthropist, Hansjörg Wyss donated 1 billion dollars to help save the worlds wild lands and water. If all the people who donated to the Notre Dame reconstruction had followed his lead, everyone would live on a planet with a cleaner ocean and a brighter future.