[WHAT’S IN MY BAG] Inside Karla Garcia’s volleyball bag
She relies on these items to make her the best player she can possibly be.
Karla Garcia goes to volleyball practice every single day after school, and this is her bag.
Karla Garcia goes to volleyball practice every single day after school. She relies on these items to make her the best player she can possibly be. She carries her volleyball bag with her to and from school, and all the way to every single school that she goes too.
- The new volleyball shoes that I just bought. But they already stink.
- My knee pads. There is not a single volleyball player that plays without knee pads.
- I’m the middle so I need my ankle braces in case someone on the other side steps on my feet.
- Deodorant duh.
- My required navy blue spandex.
- My sports bra.
- My practice shirt.
- Some socks.
- Makeup remover so that nothing gets smudged during practice.
- Burks for when I am done with practice and I don’t want to wear my volleyball shoes outside.
All of these items are a necessity for Karla to play her best. They might not all be needed all the time but they do come in handy, and they make her feel more ready to go on the court.

Tana Ososki is an Art and Entertainment Editor at RubicOnline. During her free time she enjoys painting and spending time with her family and friends....