Junior Ella Bond represents SPA on the ice as the lone upper school student in varsity hockey. Blake Girls Varsity Hockey is co-opted with The Blake School, Minnehaha Academy, Providence Academy and SPA. As the number of incorporated schools increases, the chance of a spot on varsity decreases. As the sole US SPA student on the varsity hockey team, Bond represents both the youngest and oldest student on the Blake hockey team.
Bond has played hockey since she was five, joining SPA’s varsity hockey team as a ninth grader. She looks to the future of her athletic career with optimism: “I’m looking forward to being a senior, which is the oldest on the team so then I can boss everyone around,” Bond said.
Holding 3 years of experience in her pocket, Bond advises players on how to play well. “[Don’t] get in your head, just have fun.” She emphasizes the environment the team fosters: “Everyone is really supporting and welcoming; it’s very fun,” Bond said.
Bond embodies a unique position; with a co-op program that unites four different schools. Bond is the only US student to take a coveted spot on the varsity roster.