The Women’s March is not enough: students must do more work to make a change

Breandan Gibbons

More stories from Breandan Gibbons


Emily Thissen

Women’s Marches took place globally on Jan. 21. Although they are a step towards change, much more work must be done.

One march on one day does not matter in the grand scheme of things. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 would not have gone down in history as one of the great moments for equality in American history without political actions before and political actions after.

Martin Luther King Jr. emphasized in his famous “I have a dream” speech on August 28, 1963 the importance of voting. Prior to setting out his ideals for a better America, Dr. King established the way to get there: using voting rights. This is the same way to resist to Donald Trump.

If anyone feels affected by the election results of last November, affected enough to go to a march, then it is time to go to work.

The Women’s March on January 21, the day after Donald Trump’s is not enough to make any real change. It can be used to establish a resistance to his office. Students who feel their rights are threatened by his administration need to do more. Students who support him and believe that Republican control of the House and Senate is good, cannot sit ideally by.

The easiest thing for students to do is to show up up to their senate district party meetings. These meetings do not take long but they help establish the party’s message for the year.

Next, students should contact their congressperson. This could be a state representative or senator, or representative to the US House of Representatives. The first step is finding out who the representatives are.

Find your Representative here:

There are many ways to contact your Congressperson, but Emily Ellsworth, former Congressional staffer, provided a Twitter thread on how to best reach your congressperson. Ellsworth stated that calling your representatives is the best way to make a difference.

Read the full thread here:

There are ways for people who cannot vote to make a difference and students need to take those opportunities. One march on one day is not enough.

Former CBS News Anchor Dan Rather said, “It’s the American way: If you don’t vote, you don’t get to whine.” This logic still applies if someone cannot vote. If a person who has opportunities to participate in the political process does not, they cannot complain.

If anyone feels affected by the election results of last November, affected enough to go to a march, then it is time to go to work. Show up to meetings, donate money, make some phone calls. These are easy things that can make a difference.

Just do something.