New semester exam schedule will reduce stress, allow for better planning

Lauren Boettcher

More stories from Lauren Boettcher


Lauren Boettcher

Senior Sarah Murad demonstrates the difference in stress levels between the old and new exam schedule. The new schedule allows students to feel more relaxed and prepared going into their exam.

Administrative changes to the exam schedule to make December more predictable, comfortable, and easygoing. In the past, midterm/semester exams have always been a bit of a toss-up. It was nearly impossible to predict or remember what the schedule was. This year, the administration is changing the schedule in hopes that it will make things run more smoothly and reduce stress by extending the schedule to 4 days with exams during the class period in the regular classroom. First and second period will be on the first day, third and fourth on the second, etc.

This new schedule will help students test better because not only will it be much easier to follow the schedule, it will hopefully create a more relaxing and natural environment. Students will take a class’s exam with the students they learned the material with, in an environment that feels much less high stress than the freezing cold gymnasium full of people. It will also be beneficial in terms of allowing students to plan their studying more clearly and strategically. Because everyone will take exams at different times, students can make time to meet with their teachers far in advance. 

With new exam schedule and all of the benefits it brings, it is important for students to work to make full use of the predictability of it, by planning their study plan and meeting times with their teachers a couple of weeks in advance.