Let down time be down time

Students must allow themselves to have time to relax


Illustration: Isabel Saavedra-Weis

Even while relaxing, it can be easy to have work in mind and feel guilty for taking a break.

Isabel Saavedra-Weis, RubicOnline Editor

It can be really easy to always be busy- homework, sport practice, rehearsal, out of school clubs or activities: students know the drill. But every once and awhile, the non-stop routine that is drilled into the minds of hard working students pauses. Homework is done, practice is cancelled and there is a little pearl of time where there are no obligations or to-do’s.

Activities for these times are often binge watching shows or internet videos, scrolling through videos, baking or hanging out with friends. But sometimes these activities can feel like a crime. The feeling of having “better stuff to do” is hard to get rid of, even if all productivity is complete for school or other chores.

Students of St. Paul Academy and Summit School need to know it’s okay to take personal time to relax: cranking out the next homework assignment does not have to be the activity that fills the time of unscheduled hours. Free time and work time should be seperated, much like those who work paying jobs try no to come home with their work still on their mind. Separate work and down time physically and mentally.

This does not mean that guilt is irrelevant when a student is putting off homework to do things for their own enjoyment. But taking time to relax and stop the constant feeling of not being productive is necessary in order not to over-work.